HDRN Canada seeks proposals for summative evaluation of SPOR Canadian Data Platform

Health Data Research Network Canada invites proposals from organizations and/or individuals to undertake a summative evaluation of the activities of its first initiative, the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Canadian Data Platform (CDP). Proponents should have expertise in qualitative and quantitative evaluations and demonstrated experience and knowledge of research uses of health administrative data and related areas.
HDRN Canada is a distributed pan-Canadian network of member organizations that hold linkable health and health-related data for entire populations or have mandates relating directly to data access or use. It launched in 2019 after being awarded a seven-year grant from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research to build the SPOR Canadian Data Platform. The SPOR CDP aims to connect people and organizations working with administrative health data to improve and facilitate simplified access to health data from more than one province or territory, enabling researchers to address health challenges in a holistic and comprehensive way, leading to innovative solutions and amplifying Canada’s international leadership in the health field.
“We expect the evaluation to identify lessons learned as well as impact, guided by HDRN Canada’s five goals and success factors laid out in our Strategic Plan. ~ Dr. Kim McGrail, Scientific Director & CEO
For the past four years, HDRN Canada has worked to alleviate various challenges associated with conducting multi-regional research, including data access, data analysis, data governance, and how to incorporate principles of Indigenous Data Sovereignty and inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility in all aspects of our work and the health data research cycle. “Now we are seeking an external organization or individual to undertake a summative evaluation of our actions, activities and impact under the SPOR Canadian Data Platform from its launch in 2019 until March 31, 2025,” said Dr. Kim McGrail, HDRN Canada Scientific Director and CEO. “We expect the evaluation to identify lessons learned as well as impact, guided by HDRN Canada’s five goals and success factors laid out in our Strategic Plan.”
Taking place over a four-month period, the evaluation will gather quantitative and qualitative information from across HDRN Canada members and all levels of governance. It will assess partner needs, including those relevant to public partners and HDRN Canada’s research community, as well as partners from across Canada and internationally. For more information, including detailed criteria, please review the full Request for Proposals.
The Request For Proposals closes January 17, 2025. Please email questions to info@hdrn.ca by January 8, 2025.