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HDRN Canada releases five-year strategic plan

HDRN Strategic Plan 2021-2026 cover

Health Data Research Network Canada (HDRN Canada) is proud to launch its strategic plan, which outlines the mission, vision, and strategic goals that will guide our work over the next five years.

The strategic plan is a result of significant consultation with HDRN Canada’s internal and external stakeholders, including member organizations, working groups, advisory committees, partner organizations, and Ministries of Health, with guidance and direction from the Leads Team, Executive Committee, Public Advisory Council, and Board of Directors.

Our mission is to bring together people and organizations across Canada for transformative and world-leading health data use, ultimately driving improvements in health and health equity.

‘’The strategic plan sets out the values-based set of goals that guide the activities of HDRN Canada and its member organizations to expand and enhance equitable access and use of data in support of research to improve the health of people in Canada,” said Guy Bujold, Chair of HDRN Canada’s Board of Directors.

The five following strategic goals will guide HDRN Canada’s priorities for the coming years:

  • Develop and improve services and supports for data access
  • Diversify and harmonize data, and support innovative and privacy-sensitive data use
  • Establish and strengthen partnerships and provide leadership for evolving data practices
  • Strengthen data use to improve equity, and support Indigenous-led data sovereignty
  • Ensure purposeful and ongoing public and community involvement

“COVID-19 made the need for data to support health and health equity more pressing and apparent to researchers, policy-makers, communities, and members of the public,” said Kim McGrail, Scientific Director and CEO of HDRN Canada. “Our strategic plan showcases the opportunities and potential of multi-regional data use, and how we can help achieve our broad collective vision.”

Read the strategic plan here.

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Elizabeth Toller, a smiling white woman with long blonde hair. Text reads: Canada's Vision for Modern, Connected Care. Health Data Research Network Canada logo is at bottom.

A black smiling woman. Text reads: Mpho Begin. Health Data Research Network Canada logo at bottom right.